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03 Jun 2024 - 10:05 am

Airbus Beluga: World’s strangest-looking plane gets its own airline
kraken войти
he Airbus Beluga, one of the world’s strangest airplanes, now has its own airline.

The odd-looking, oversized cargo plane — a favorite among planespotters around the world — has been in service for close to two decades. It mainly transports aircraft parts between Airbus’ manufacturing facilities spread throughout Europe.

Now, a new version of the Beluga is replacing the original fleet, which has gone on to power a standalone freight airline called Airbus Beluga Transport.

“There are very few options on the market for oversize items,” says Benoit Lemonnier, head of Airbus Beluga Transport. “Most often there’s a need to partially dismantle a payload to make it fit in an aircraft — whereas in the Beluga, it will just fit.”
kraken зайти
The very first Beluga was originally known as the Airbus Super Transporter. But after its nickname — derived from the resemblance to the white Arctic whale — gained popularity, Airbus decided to rename the aircraft Beluga ST, retaining the original name in the acronym.

It first flew in 1994 and entered service in 1995, followed over the years by four more examples, the last of which was rolled out in late 2000.

“The Beluga was developed to transport large sections of Airbus aircraft from its factories in France, Germany, the UK, Spain and Turkey to the final assembly lines located in Toulouse and Hamburg,” explains Lemonnier. “It is a very special design, because it’s actually a transformation of an A300-600 that had its entire head removed and then equipped with special fuselage shells, a bigger door and dedicated flight equipment.”

Before the Beluga, Airbus was using a fleet of Super Guppies, modified versions of 1950s Boeing Stratocruiser passenger planes that had previously been in service with NASA to ferry spacecraft parts. Now, history is repeating itself as the original Beluga is being replaced by a more spacious and advanced model, the Beluga XL.

Longer and bigger than the ST, the Beluga XL is capable of carrying both wings, rather than just one, of the Airbus A350, the company’s latest long-haul aircraft that rivals the Boeing 787 and 777.

“The XL is based on a much more modern platform, the A330,” Lemonnier adds. “Since 2018, six XLs have been built, and the latest one will be delivered very soon to the internal Airbus airline. The Beluga XL can fully substitute the Beluga ST on the internal Airbus network, so the STs can become available for alternative service.”



03 Jun 2024 - 09:58 am

Москва и москвичи (Гиляровский)/Бани

Услуга муж на час - домашний помощник в решении ваших бытовых проблем. 2. Если вы - владелец фирмы и в вашем штате работают наемные мастера, стоит опасаться того, что клиент заплатит мастеру без учета ваших процентов, тогда можно поступить следующим образом: указать в прейскуранте цену, которая будет прямо зависеть от времени выполняемых работ. Если вам срочно потребовался профессиональный плиточник, плотник, сантехник или электрик - воспользуйтесь помощью наших специалистов. Сам себе сантехник. Все права защищены! Чистая работа. Мы не оставляем после себя мусор и другие следы ремонта. Мы предлагаем услуги по мелкому ремонту и монтажу в квартирах, офисах, загородных домах. Мы выезжаем в любой район города и за его пределы в любое удобное для клиента время. Муж на час - популярная услуга, воспользовавшись которой вам не придется тратить время на решение бытовых вопросов. Почему ты не мог назначить ему другое время для встречи? Почему нам можно доверять? Вызвать мужа на час можно в любое время, оставив заявку на сайте. Звоните или пишите нам в любое время, наши менеджеры работают 24/7 и ответят на все Ваши вопросы, порекомендуют мастера, скажут примерную цену услуги, и подберут удобное для Вас время, для приезда мастера. Вы можете заказать мастера, который устранит сразу несколько проблем по дому.

Обольшом богатстве Джека из Ньюбери, о числе работающих у него людей и как он привел во Фледенфильд к королеве Екатерине двести пятьдесят вооруженных за его счет людей против шотландского короля. Да, он обещал какую-то прибыль за издание каких-то моих стихов. Лодка стояла у пристани уже готовая к отплытию, она села на руль, муж на час недорого он управлял парусами Но он не мог отвести взора от её фигуры; одетая в светлое летнее платье, с крепкой высокой грудью, с серьезным и милым лицом, с твердым взглядом, крепко держалась она за ванту маленькой рукой в перчатке из оленьей кожи. Следующей весной я был мужем Лины - счастливейшим и недостойным мужем самой святой и самой высокой женщины, какую Бог послал на землю, чтобы осчастливить лучшего человека. Однажды он пропустил три свидания подряд. Теперь он практиковал в Руане. Теперь они быстро шагают, дойдут до Всехсвятского и разойдутся по домам: Клейдон живет на Башиловке, а другие - в скаковой слободке, при своих конюшнях. Теперь этих кожаных кошельков никто не покупает - вот они дешевле всего. И вот я вам сказал сейчас «на смертном одре-с»; а меж тем вдруг, за день уже до смерти, волнуется, сердится, - говорит, что ее лекарствами залечить хотят, что у ней одна только простая лихорадка, и оба наши доктора ничего не смыслят, и как только вернется Кох (помните, штаб-лекарь-то наш, старичок), так она через две недели встанет с постели!

Быстрый отклик. Откликаемся на заявку в день обращения. Ну, скажи, скажи, - она всхлипнула, - зачем тебе понадобилось меня обманывать. Ну, довольно, довольно, - прервал его Вельчанинов всё с более и более возраставшим нетерпением, как бы явно говоря: «Нечего говорить, всё знаю, что ты скажешь, и знаю, с каким намерением ты говоришь! В том числе учит управлять бизнесом дистанционно, поставляет нужное оборудование и показывает, как привлечь клиентов. Где говорит, о том и вспоминает: в трактире - о старых трактирах, о том, кто и как пил, ел; в театре в кругу актеров - идут воспоминания об актерах, о театре. Аналогично действует операция, при которой муж выпивает вино с пеплом волос жены. Домашний мастер быстро и профессионально решит ваши проблемы, а цена такой услуги будет не очень большой - гораздо дешевле, чем покупка инструментов или обращение к специалистам строительной фирмы. Какие услуги предлагает мастер на час? В общем, в мужьях на час у нас в городе недостатка нет. Да ты и сам не даешь мне об этом ни на час позабыть. Да и воротился наконец в Петербург, может, потому только, что и его тоже выбросили, как "старый, изношенный башмак". «Пора, мой друг, пора», - сказал я себе, взял, наконец, вилы и стал отбрасывать солому.

У стены лежали ржавые вилы с гнилым обломком черенка. Если бы я приехала на званый вечер без мужа, какая радость была бы для московских кумушек! Если инструмент крупногабаритный, то последний вариант удобнее. Это мучительно. Ты права, когда напоминаешь, что у нас медовый месяц. Всем же известно, что у нас с тобой медовый месяц. Сама слышала. Оно хоть и пьяный человек, ровно как в бесчувствии, да всё же при ребенке не годится; хоть и малолеток, а всё умом про себя дойдет! Не мог же ты забыть лицо человека, с которым недавно разговаривал и на улице и в доме! Как же я плохо все рассчитал, какой черт дернул меня последовать за их каретой, как я мог допустить, что Наталья Николаевна меня смогла разглядеть и узнать. Как ты мог бросить меня одну? Как не помнить, всё помню-с… Ты понимаешь, в какое положение ты меня ставил? Ты можешь обижаться на меня или не обижаться, но я тебе не верю. Достав из кармана зеркало, которое было чем угодно, но только не зеркалом, я повернул позолоченную звездочку.



03 Jun 2024 - 09:54 am

Airbus Beluga: World’s strangest-looking plane gets its own airline
kraken shop
he Airbus Beluga, one of the world’s strangest airplanes, now has its own airline.

The odd-looking, oversized cargo plane — a favorite among planespotters around the world — has been in service for close to two decades. It mainly transports aircraft parts between Airbus’ manufacturing facilities spread throughout Europe.

Now, a new version of the Beluga is replacing the original fleet, which has gone on to power a standalone freight airline called Airbus Beluga Transport.

“There are very few options on the market for oversize items,” says Benoit Lemonnier, head of Airbus Beluga Transport. “Most often there’s a need to partially dismantle a payload to make it fit in an aircraft — whereas in the Beluga, it will just fit.”
kraken зайти
The very first Beluga was originally known as the Airbus Super Transporter. But after its nickname — derived from the resemblance to the white Arctic whale — gained popularity, Airbus decided to rename the aircraft Beluga ST, retaining the original name in the acronym.

It first flew in 1994 and entered service in 1995, followed over the years by four more examples, the last of which was rolled out in late 2000.

“The Beluga was developed to transport large sections of Airbus aircraft from its factories in France, Germany, the UK, Spain and Turkey to the final assembly lines located in Toulouse and Hamburg,” explains Lemonnier. “It is a very special design, because it’s actually a transformation of an A300-600 that had its entire head removed and then equipped with special fuselage shells, a bigger door and dedicated flight equipment.”

Before the Beluga, Airbus was using a fleet of Super Guppies, modified versions of 1950s Boeing Stratocruiser passenger planes that had previously been in service with NASA to ferry spacecraft parts. Now, history is repeating itself as the original Beluga is being replaced by a more spacious and advanced model, the Beluga XL.

Longer and bigger than the ST, the Beluga XL is capable of carrying both wings, rather than just one, of the Airbus A350, the company’s latest long-haul aircraft that rivals the Boeing 787 and 777.

“The XL is based on a much more modern platform, the A330,” Lemonnier adds. “Since 2018, six XLs have been built, and the latest one will be delivered very soon to the internal Airbus airline. The Beluga XL can fully substitute the Beluga ST on the internal Airbus network, so the STs can become available for alternative service.”



03 Jun 2024 - 09:14 am

Airbus Beluga: World’s strangest-looking plane gets its own airline
кракен онион
he Airbus Beluga, one of the world’s strangest airplanes, now has its own airline.

The odd-looking, oversized cargo plane — a favorite among planespotters around the world — has been in service for close to two decades. It mainly transports aircraft parts between Airbus’ manufacturing facilities spread throughout Europe.

Now, a new version of the Beluga is replacing the original fleet, which has gone on to power a standalone freight airline called Airbus Beluga Transport.

“There are very few options on the market for oversize items,” says Benoit Lemonnier, head of Airbus Beluga Transport. “Most often there’s a need to partially dismantle a payload to make it fit in an aircraft — whereas in the Beluga, it will just fit.”
кракен онион
The very first Beluga was originally known as the Airbus Super Transporter. But after its nickname — derived from the resemblance to the white Arctic whale — gained popularity, Airbus decided to rename the aircraft Beluga ST, retaining the original name in the acronym.

It first flew in 1994 and entered service in 1995, followed over the years by four more examples, the last of which was rolled out in late 2000.

“The Beluga was developed to transport large sections of Airbus aircraft from its factories in France, Germany, the UK, Spain and Turkey to the final assembly lines located in Toulouse and Hamburg,” explains Lemonnier. “It is a very special design, because it’s actually a transformation of an A300-600 that had its entire head removed and then equipped with special fuselage shells, a bigger door and dedicated flight equipment.”

Before the Beluga, Airbus was using a fleet of Super Guppies, modified versions of 1950s Boeing Stratocruiser passenger planes that had previously been in service with NASA to ferry spacecraft parts. Now, history is repeating itself as the original Beluga is being replaced by a more spacious and advanced model, the Beluga XL.

Longer and bigger than the ST, the Beluga XL is capable of carrying both wings, rather than just one, of the Airbus A350, the company’s latest long-haul aircraft that rivals the Boeing 787 and 777.

“The XL is based on a much more modern platform, the A330,” Lemonnier adds. “Since 2018, six XLs have been built, and the latest one will be delivered very soon to the internal Airbus airline. The Beluga XL can fully substitute the Beluga ST on the internal Airbus network, so the STs can become available for alternative service.”



03 Jun 2024 - 09:14 am

The world’s most walkable cities revealed (and they aren’t in the US)
kraken shop
Strap up, people, we’re going boots-on-the-ground for this week’s CNN Travel newsletter. Let’s leave the jet engines behind, quit viewing the world through screens and breathe in sweet lungfuls of adventure.
kraken вход
Few things in life are as delightful as ambling around a new neighborhood in a new city, chancing upon cute stores, bars, eateries and public spaces. But decades of car-centric policies means lots of cities around the world lack an abundance of pedestrian-friendly streets, a new study called “The ABC of Mobility” has found.

The bigger and richer the city, the less likely it is to be easily walkable. But there are plenty of exceptions, as the stats from the study broken down by The Economist newspaper show.

The Mozambique seaport of Quelimane, population 350,000, comes out as the most foot-friendly of the 794 cities surveyed in the study, but there are some less off-the-radar destinations in Europe (whose metropolises rank considerably higher than those of the United States).

In the Netherlands, the tree-lined canals of Utrecht (No. 3) and the monumental splendor of The Hague (No. 27) are quieter alternatives to tourist favorite Amsterdam (No. 66).

In northern Spain, the port city of Bilbao (No. 8) is famous for its Frank Gehry–designed Guggenheim Museum, and Leon (No. 9) boasts Roman ruins and Gothic cathedrals.

Finally, in the Alpine region of Tyrol, where Italy meets Austria, Bolzano (No. 14) offers an opportunity to come face-to-face with Otzi the Iceman in the archaeological museum, while Innsbruck (No. 25) has world-class skiing and mountaineering.



03 Jun 2024 - 09:13 am

Airbus Beluga: World’s strangest-looking plane gets its own airline
Площадка кракен
he Airbus Beluga, one of the world’s strangest airplanes, now has its own airline.

The odd-looking, oversized cargo plane — a favorite among planespotters around the world — has been in service for close to two decades. It mainly transports aircraft parts between Airbus’ manufacturing facilities spread throughout Europe.

Now, a new version of the Beluga is replacing the original fleet, which has gone on to power a standalone freight airline called Airbus Beluga Transport.

“There are very few options on the market for oversize items,” says Benoit Lemonnier, head of Airbus Beluga Transport. “Most often there’s a need to partially dismantle a payload to make it fit in an aircraft — whereas in the Beluga, it will just fit.”
kraken marketplace
The very first Beluga was originally known as the Airbus Super Transporter. But after its nickname — derived from the resemblance to the white Arctic whale — gained popularity, Airbus decided to rename the aircraft Beluga ST, retaining the original name in the acronym.

It first flew in 1994 and entered service in 1995, followed over the years by four more examples, the last of which was rolled out in late 2000.

“The Beluga was developed to transport large sections of Airbus aircraft from its factories in France, Germany, the UK, Spain and Turkey to the final assembly lines located in Toulouse and Hamburg,” explains Lemonnier. “It is a very special design, because it’s actually a transformation of an A300-600 that had its entire head removed and then equipped with special fuselage shells, a bigger door and dedicated flight equipment.”

Before the Beluga, Airbus was using a fleet of Super Guppies, modified versions of 1950s Boeing Stratocruiser passenger planes that had previously been in service with NASA to ferry spacecraft parts. Now, history is repeating itself as the original Beluga is being replaced by a more spacious and advanced model, the Beluga XL.

Longer and bigger than the ST, the Beluga XL is capable of carrying both wings, rather than just one, of the Airbus A350, the company’s latest long-haul aircraft that rivals the Boeing 787 and 777.

“The XL is based on a much more modern platform, the A330,” Lemonnier adds. “Since 2018, six XLs have been built, and the latest one will be delivered very soon to the internal Airbus airline. The Beluga XL can fully substitute the Beluga ST on the internal Airbus network, so the STs can become available for alternative service.”



03 Jun 2024 - 09:05 am

As the popularity of online gambling continues to fly, Uzbekistan has witnessed the appearance of a leading participant in the store: Pin Up Casino Uzbekistan. With its captivating vintage aesthetics, different gutsy selection, and attach gaming circumstances, Pin-Up Casino has very soon mature a favored party line against Uzbekistani players seeking fireworks and lucrative opportunities. In this article, we will delve into the factors contributing to the rising trend of Pin-Up Casino in Uzbekistan and inquire the features that bring into the world made it a egregious name in the outback's online gambling scene.

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In conclusion, Pin-Up Casino has suddenly risen to pre-eminence in Uzbekistan's online gambling landscape, captivating players with its collector talisman, distinct plot selection, and commitment to sportsman compensation and security. As hunger as Pin-Up Casino continues to prioritize chargeable gambling and cater to the preferences of Uzbekistani players, it is likely to stay put a prevailing troops in the realm's ever-evolving online gambling industry. In all events, players are advised to proposition online gambling with tip off, locale limits to guarantee an enjoyable and non-toxic gaming experience.



03 Jun 2024 - 08:17 am

The world’s most walkable cities revealed (and they aren’t in the US)
kraken12 at
Strap up, people, we’re going boots-on-the-ground for this week’s CNN Travel newsletter. Let’s leave the jet engines behind, quit viewing the world through screens and breathe in sweet lungfuls of adventure.
kraken вход
Few things in life are as delightful as ambling around a new neighborhood in a new city, chancing upon cute stores, bars, eateries and public spaces. But decades of car-centric policies means lots of cities around the world lack an abundance of pedestrian-friendly streets, a new study called “The ABC of Mobility” has found.

The bigger and richer the city, the less likely it is to be easily walkable. But there are plenty of exceptions, as the stats from the study broken down by The Economist newspaper show.

The Mozambique seaport of Quelimane, population 350,000, comes out as the most foot-friendly of the 794 cities surveyed in the study, but there are some less off-the-radar destinations in Europe (whose metropolises rank considerably higher than those of the United States).

In the Netherlands, the tree-lined canals of Utrecht (No. 3) and the monumental splendor of The Hague (No. 27) are quieter alternatives to tourist favorite Amsterdam (No. 66).

In northern Spain, the port city of Bilbao (No. 8) is famous for its Frank Gehry–designed Guggenheim Museum, and Leon (No. 9) boasts Roman ruins and Gothic cathedrals.

Finally, in the Alpine region of Tyrol, where Italy meets Austria, Bolzano (No. 14) offers an opportunity to come face-to-face with Otzi the Iceman in the archaeological museum, while Innsbruck (No. 25) has world-class skiing and mountaineering.



03 Jun 2024 - 08:15 am

The world’s most walkable cities revealed (and they aren’t in the US)
kraken вход
Strap up, people, we’re going boots-on-the-ground for this week’s CNN Travel newsletter. Let’s leave the jet engines behind, quit viewing the world through screens and breathe in sweet lungfuls of adventure.
Few things in life are as delightful as ambling around a new neighborhood in a new city, chancing upon cute stores, bars, eateries and public spaces. But decades of car-centric policies means lots of cities around the world lack an abundance of pedestrian-friendly streets, a new study called “The ABC of Mobility” has found.

The bigger and richer the city, the less likely it is to be easily walkable. But there are plenty of exceptions, as the stats from the study broken down by The Economist newspaper show.

The Mozambique seaport of Quelimane, population 350,000, comes out as the most foot-friendly of the 794 cities surveyed in the study, but there are some less off-the-radar destinations in Europe (whose metropolises rank considerably higher than those of the United States).

In the Netherlands, the tree-lined canals of Utrecht (No. 3) and the monumental splendor of The Hague (No. 27) are quieter alternatives to tourist favorite Amsterdam (No. 66).

In northern Spain, the port city of Bilbao (No. 8) is famous for its Frank Gehry–designed Guggenheim Museum, and Leon (No. 9) boasts Roman ruins and Gothic cathedrals.

Finally, in the Alpine region of Tyrol, where Italy meets Austria, Bolzano (No. 14) offers an opportunity to come face-to-face with Otzi the Iceman in the archaeological museum, while Innsbruck (No. 25) has world-class skiing and mountaineering.



03 Jun 2024 - 08:15 am


last news about coutinho


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